December 2022


Welcome to the team Álvaro

We are excited to welcome Alvaro as a CTO to our growing team!

Thrilling to work side by side with such a fantastic mechatronic engineer. His experience from manufacturing, testing, and developing machines

will come at hand in our journey 

September 2021


Welcome to the team Christian!

We are excited to welcome Christian Aguayo to our growing team!  His experience from manufacturing, building machines and work in a fast-growing company will come at hand.

“I am very happy and excited to become part of the team.

I am looking forward to helping us find the fastest way to get our product to the market. This is an important need for millions of people around the world which is just expected to keep growing so there is no time left to be wasted.”

 Juni 2021


Artikel in HjärtLungNytt

Article in HjärtLungNytt "With help from Riksförbundet HjärtLung Stockholm and their members, we have had the opportunity to interview, get relevant feedback and increased knowledge about the use of inhalers. During the summer, the members will test our latest prototype."

Click on the icon to read the whole article.

12 April 2021


We are looking for a Mechatronic engineer!

Join KTH medtech startup Andning Med to help patients breathe easier. Interested in mechatronic gadgets for healthcare? Want to revolutionize everyday life for chronic patients? We are looking for a potential CTO & co-founder!

We have closed this application.

08 December 2020, Solna stad 


Årets unga affärsidé

We are proud to have won the Solna young entrepreneur Award! Thank you Solna stad, Fabege AB, PwC, Handelsbanken for creating a supportive environment where innovative ideas get a chance to thrive!

02 July 2020

VINNOVA supports us!

We are very happy to share the great news that we just received a grant support from Vinnova - Innovativa startups steg 1! We in Andning Med are on a mission to help patients with COPD and asthma have better control of their chronic disease. Thanks to Vinnova’s Innovativa startups we will be able to evaluate how patients understand our product to make it become a loved and helpful aid in their everyday life.

18/3 - 2020, KTH Innovation 

Digital kickoff for 17 new KTH startups

17 new startup projects have joined the KTH Innovation pre-incubator program. Yesterday, they met for the first time in a digital kick-off.

10/7 - 2019, P4 Stockholm

Nya uppfinningar ska utveckla primärvården

I två månader har ett team med läkare, forskare och en industridesigner levt på vårdcentraler i Norrtälje. Målet: Att lösa primärvårdens problem med hjälp av nya uppfinningar.

 December 2022


Winner of the India-Sweden Healthcare Innovation Challenge 3.0

The India-Sweden Healthcare Innovation Centre acts as a growth catalyst for startups through clinical validation, cross country mentorship, networking, funding access and international expansion.

The Innovation Centre is a tripartite collaboration between the Swedish Trade Commissioner's Office, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi (AIIMS Delhi) and All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur (AIIMS Jodhpur), with active participation from ICMR, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare - India, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs - Sweden, AstraZeneca andNasscom.

 September 2021


Andning Med guest lecturers in Digital Health

Annelie and Essam from Andning Med were guest lecturers at SSES course Digital Health.

”We had a great time sharing our knowledge and experiences in building and testing prototypes with users. Thanks to the course director Andreas Lundquist for inviting us and all the students for your questions and fantastic energy!”

 Juni 2021


Remote prototype testing

During the spring and summer, members test our latest prototype. This is a continuation of a collaboration with the Heart-Lung Association where we interviewed members in 2019 and gained very valuable insights. In the current situation, the test is developed to be carried out remotely. We look forward to the feedback so that we can continue to develop a product that is really helpful in people's everyday lives in the management of COPD.

18 Mars 2021, KTH Innovation

 KTH Innovation Demo Day

Today our CEO Petra Szeszula pithched at the KTH Innovation demo day! Thank you KTH Innovation for your immense support on the mission to help millions of respiratory patients inhale their medication correctly!

17 September 2020, KTH Innovation


We are happy to announce that we are collaborating with students from the Master's program of Advanced Industrial Design engineering.

Master Students: Jonathan Berg, Leo Södergren, Ellen Severinsson and Ida Östlund.

12 Mars 2020, KI Innovation

Inspirational workshop with Clinical Innovation Fellowships

Join this inspirational workshop and meet former Clinical Innovation Fellowship alumni and learn more about the program and opportunity for you to apply and join in 2020!

This workshop is closed for application.

 17/12-2019, Medtech West


Vi besöktes av fem nyligen examinerade entreprenörsstudenter från The Clinical Innovation Fellowships Program som RISE, KTH och EIT Health driver med målet att förbättra sjukvården genom att identifiera kliniska behov och skapa lösningar. 

24/6 - 2019, Tiohundra

700 Observationer ska utveckla primärvården

I knappt två månader har ett team från Clinical Innovation Fellowships följt arbetet på några av Tiohundras vårdcentraler. Målsättningen är att kunna utveckla lösningar som kan förbättra primärvården både ur medarbetar- och patientperspektiv.

November 2022

Andning Med listed in Stings hottest healthtech map 2022

"A while ago, we asked for your help to complete a map of Sweden's hottest healthtech startups. And voilà, we're proud to present the first version 1.0"

- Sting

The leading ecosystem in the Nordics for startups with high growth potential.

 August 2021


Our team is growing!

During this summer a fantastic software developer Marcus Oscarsson from the KTH computer science program joined us to boost our digital product development. 

"This has been an exciting summer with a focus on rapid development! During the summer, I have had the opportunity to learn a lot, and it has been interesting to take part in the inner workings of such an innovative MedTech startup. Thank you to Petra, Annelie, and Essam for bringing me on board and for your dedication to helping patients!"

 14 May 2021


Thank you Software students!

We are proud to have had the opportunity to work with these skilled Computer Science Students with a focus on Software Engineering from KTH. Thank you for your time and commitment during these past months, resulting in an amazing App for people with chronic lung disease.

Elin Inoue, Sandra Möttus, André Fredriksen, Marcus Oscarsson, Emm Nilsson, Albin Wikström Kempe, David Åsberg, Vilhelm Hellmèr

18 Mars 2021, KTH Innovation

Event: KTH Innovation Demo Day 

Get to know the 12 latest startups from KTH as they graduate after one year in the KTH Innovation pre-incubator program.  Join us online to celebrate their achievements, as they get ready to take their next steps. Join us live from KTH Innovation, hear the teams pitch, and mingle with the founders.

05 September 2020, KTH Innovation

We are moving into the KTH innovation office

Andning Med is now moving into the brand new KTH innovation offices.

Looking forward to working alongside other amazing startups!

Föreningsinfo 2-2020, Hjärtlung föreningen Stockholm  

Info om KOL-studie 

Article about the presentation of our research at Hjärtlung föreningen Stockholm in December of 2019. There we presented our work towards understanding the needs of COPD patients to spread the knowledge and insights gathered in the Clinical innovation fellowships program.

25/9 - 2019, Tiohundra

Förbättringsförslag inom primärvården presenteras

Ett team från Clinical Innovation Fellowships följt arbetet på några av Tiohundras vårdcentraler för att identifiera möjliga förbättringar. Nu presenterar de sin rapport, där tio behovsområden lyfts, och under hösten fortsätter arbetet för att gå vidare med förslagen. 

10/5 - 2019, Clinical Innovation fellowships


The Clinical Innovation Fellowship program operates in Europe’s leading network for the systematic identification of clinical needs and the development of solutions to impact healthcare worldwide. The initiative is based on clinical immersion in Sweden and supported by international partner organizations.